Hi there! My name is Stephanie.
I am a mom of 3 and have always been an active person. I feel like I have tried it all, running, swimming, weight lifting, cross fit, I even did martial arts for years becoming a 2nd degree Black Belt in Taekwondo. But you know how life goes. Things happen, priorities change, you have children, you feel more tired, or maybe you just lose the fitness spark altogether. I totally get it, as I found myself in that place numerous times. After I had my children I started looking for ways to get my “spark” back. To give me more energy, to keep me motivated, to just feel better in general. I joined Instagram in May of 2018 (I know, late to the game) and met a ton of amazing people that did yoga. I knew yoga was a “thing” but had never really given it a chance or took the time to really see what it was all about. Luckily one day I was invited to participate in a yoga challenge. Now, being a competitive person, this was right up my alley. The problem was, I knew nothing about yoga. I made up a million excuses why I shouldn’t join. One being that I couldn’t even touch my toes, so there was no way that I could do the poses that they were proposing. Plus, posting pictures of yourself for all the public to see is pretty nerve racking. I went back and forth several times and finally decided I was going to DO IT!
I started stretching each day, sometimes it was in the middle of my living room floor while my children ran circles around me, and sometimes it was after they went to bed to give myself some “me time”. There were days that I could only fit in 15 minutes to stretching, but the length of time did not matter. It was the fact that I was doing it. I was building a routine. I was making a lifestyle in which myself and my well-being was important. I found myself becoming calmer, more focused, more together. I finished my first yoga challenge feeling empowered, I had done it! In 7 days, I had learned so much, I had pushed my body to try something different, and I felt great! I was officially hooked! I continued to stretch and do different yoga routines that I could find online and continued to join Yoga challenges. I am drawn to the comradery and togetherness that the Yoga community has. It is so vibrant. Now, 9 months later I am astounded with how much progress and knowledge I have gained. I am in my 30s and doing things I never thought possible. I feel better than ever and I am excited to see where I will be next year. The friendships that I have made are real and it is so rewarding to be cheering them on while they better themselves too! When it comes to fitness my advice would be to JUST DO IT, try something new, keep looking for workouts that make you excited. Go slow and honor your body. Don’t give up! What is difficult today may be easier tomorrow, its all about progress not perfection you just have to keep going. You got this!
If you are still reading this, I truly thank you for the support and don’t be a stranger, Come say hi on my instagram page
@stephanie_melton03 !
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